If you have a business website, chances are you’re spending a lot of time on it. You might be updating the content and making sure that your site looks good, but there are other things that should be considered when designing and maintaining a website. When it comes to online marketing, these elements can make all of the difference in getting new clients through your door. Here’s how to make sure yours is ready for success:
1. Your site doesn’t look good on mobile devices.
You might be surprised to learn that millions of people are using mobile devices to access the web. In fact, more than 50% of all online traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. This means that if you have a website on which visitors can’t easily navigate your site on their phone or tablet, they’re going somewhere else.
To make sure your site looks good on smartphones and tablets, do some testing! Check out how it looks on different browsers and different devices like iPhones, Android phones, iPads, etc. If it doesn’t look good at all (or if there’s just one thing), chances are visitors won’t stick around for long—and if they don’t stick around long enough for you to get them interested in buying something from you? Well then…
2. Your website is outdated.
If your website looks outdated, it will make it harder to attract new customers. Many people judge a business by its website, and if yours doesn’t look modern and up-to-date, you may drive away potential clients.
If you want to stand out from the competition and attract more visitors, make sure your site is easy to navigate and visually appealing. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to a design overhaul or repair job on your current page layout, we’d be happy to lend our expertise!
3. Your website is hard to navigate.
This is the most important element on your website. Without a good navigation system, it will be almost impossible for visitors to find what they are looking for.
There are several elements that make up an effective navigation system:
- The main navigational links should always be visible at all times and shouldn’t be placed in a way that makes them hard to find or easy to overlook.
- When people visit your site, they should instantly know where they are and how they can get back home (the “home” link). I recommend using the word “home” instead of the typical symbol such as an anchor because people recognize it more quickly than any other icon.
- Your menus should always be clear about where each section leads so that when someone lands on a page from one of your sub-menus, there is no confusion about what category she is currently browsing through (e.g., if there was a link directly above that said “Products > Apparel > Jackets” it would take much less time for users to realize where exactly she was going).
4. Your site is text-heavy.
If you’ve ever had to slog through a website, you know how frustrating it can be. A lot of sites are filled with text-heavy content, which makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for and even harder to remember where the information was later on.
It’s important that your site is easy to navigate: people who are trying to find information should easily be able to do so without having their eyes glaze over from reading sentences that go on and on without making much sense. It’s also imperative that your site is easy to read; make sure there aren’t any hidden links in your text or images, because if they’re not clearly labeled as “click here” or something similar (and they don’t appear highlighted), then visitors will become frustrated when they click on something expecting one thing but get another instead. You want people who visit your site immediately understand what kind of business you offer, why they should trust you with their money/time/etc., how much value their purchase will bring them over time—and most importantly: why YOU are better than everyone else out there doing exactly the same thing!
5. You don’t have a clear CTA.
A Call To Action (CTA) is a button on your website that prompts a user to take action. It can be used to drive traffic to other parts of your site and can also drive traffic to other sites, like yours. Your CTA should have a clear and concise message for the user, so they know what you want them do do when they click it.
6. You use stock images.
- Stock images have a bad reputation. No one is going to think you’re an expert when you post the same stock image on all your social media accounts, or when your website has the same stock image of a businesswoman sitting at her desk. Not only does this make your brand look unoriginal, it also looks like no one bothered to put in any thought into what they were doing.
- They are low quality. It can be tempting to use free images that are available online because after all, who doesn’t love saving money? Unfortunately, if everyone uses the same cheap images, then your brand will lose its edge against competitors who invest in higher quality photography for their marketing materials and website design. The best way to avoid this pitfall is by hiring a professional photographer (or someone with experience) whose work reflects well on your company’s values—and won’t embarrassingly fall flat when compared with other businesses around town!
- They don’t show off who YOU are as an individual/company/brand etc., which means people will have no reason why they should choose YOU over anyone else who might offer similar products/services at cheaper prices or whatever other value proposition there might be!
7. You don’t optimize your content for SEO.
SEO is a long-term strategy. The best way to approach it is by creating interesting, relevant content that people want to read. You should also create a site that Google wants to index and rank in search results. Here’s how:
- Create useful and informative content on your website pages
- Make sure your website loads quickly (less than 2 seconds)
- Check the spelling and grammar on your pages
8. You use too many pop-ups and distractions.
If you’re using too many pop-ups and distractions on your website, you’re probably losing customers.
Pop-ups and distractions can damage your SEO.
Distractions make it harder for a visitor to find what they want. The more distractions you use, the more likely you are to lose sales or even drive away potential customers completely because they won’t want to deal with all of the extra steps it takes them just to get what they came there for in the first place: buying something from you!
9. You’re not reviewing analytics often enough.
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10. You don’t cross-promote your pages on social media.
Cross-promotion is the act of promoting one of your pages on another page. You can cross-promote your pages in a variety of ways. For example, if you have a blog and an ecommerce store, you can promote the blog posts on the home page of your store and vice versa. Or if you have multiple social media profiles, use them to cross-promote each other — post about what’s going on in one place on another platform.
Cross-promoting your pages isn’t just good for getting more traffic; it’s also useful for building customer loyalty and improving customer retention rates because it helps create consistent messaging across all platforms where they interact with you (like Facebook or Twitter).
11. A quality website design can be a business asset, but only if it’s done right
A quality website design can be a business asset, but only if it’s done right. A good website should be easy to navigate and provide clear information about your company and its products or services. In addition, it should help customers make an immediate decision to buy or contact you.
Your site should also have a professional look. This is important because potential customers are more likely to trust you if they think that your company is legitimate and well-established. A professional website gives the impression that the person who owns the site has been in business for a while and knows what they’re doing, which makes it an attractive prospect for new customers looking for reliable products or services.
The bottom line: If you want people to visit your site often (and therefore give them more opportunities for interaction), then make sure that everything about it—from graphics and text layout down through functionality—has been carefully thought out beforehand so as not hinder any potential user experience from start until finish!
If you’re looking for ways to boost your website’s conversion rate and ROI, then don’t go overboard with fancy bells and whistles. Instead, focus on creating a simple yet effective layout that serves as a central hub for all of your company information. The goal here is to optimize the user experience so visitors can find what they need quickly—not get lost in endless layers of links or get distracted by too many pop-ups!